Classification and characteristics of high frequency plastic welding machine

Date:2022-10-19 Reading:

High cycle welding machine is also called high cycle plastic welding machine or high cycle plastic welding machine for short. It is a kind of high cycle welding machine and also a kind of high frequency equipment used in the field of plastic welding with high-frequency medium heating technology; Now I want to introduce the classification and characteristics of high frequency plastic welding machine. Welcome to read!

The working principle is to use the self-excited oscillator of the high frequency electron tube to generate a high frequency electric field, which is transmitted to the electrode. Under the action of the high frequency electric field, the molecular structure of PVC plastic polarizes, flows rapidly, and generates heat by friction. Under the action of pressure, the PVC plastic penetrates each other to achieve the purpose of welding. High frequency welding machine adopts international standard 27.12MHZ high frequency for human safety. Poor shielding will interfere with electronic equipment around the machine. Qiao high frequency stabilizer and high frequency magnetic field shielding system can reduce high frequency interference to a lower level.

Classification of high frequency plastic welding machines:

1. High frequency welding machine is mainly divided into single head high frequency plastic welding machine, double head high frequency plastic welding machine, high frequency canvas welding machine, non-standard customized high frequency welding machine, automatic high frequency welding machine, etc. according to the frame shape.

2. It is mainly divided into:

A. Manual high-frequency plastic welding machine, such as manual pusher type high-frequency plastic welding machine, manual turntable type high-frequency plastic welding machine, manual disc type high-frequency plastic welding machine, double head pedal type high-frequency plastic welding machine, large manual pusher type high-frequency plastic welding machine, etc.

B. Automatic high-frequency plastic welding machine, such as automatic sliding table type high-frequency plastic welding machine, automatic turntable type high-frequency plastic welding machine, automatic disc type high-frequency plastic welding machine, double head pneumatic high-frequency plastic welding machine, automatic non-standard high-frequency plastic welding machine, etc.


Features of high frequency plastic welding machine:

1. High frequency plastic welding machine is the preferred equipment for PVC plastic heat sealing, applicable to; PVC, polyester, polyester, polyester, leather, adhesive coated cloth, leather and other materials, as well as any hard plastics, plastics, artificial leather, clothing fabrics containing more than 10% of PVC can be heat sealed, packaged, embossed, etc.

2. The high-frequency machine is equipped with an automatic over-current protection system. When the high-frequency current load exceeds the limit value, the high-frequency machine will automatically cut off the high-frequency, protect the electronic oscillator tube of the high-frequency machine from damage, avoid high-frequency drift caused by improper operation, and greatly reduce the damage to high-frequency molds and materials.

3. High Q value electronic oscillator tube is used for high frequency welding. The international industrial standard is 27.12MHz high frequency band. The output is more stable and strong, which can greatly reduce the high frequency welding time and improve the product quality and output.

4. The high cycle plastic fusion splicer is equipped with NL5557 high sensitivity spark protector, which can accurately detect the unbalanced current when sparks are generated. When the spark is generated and the current rises, the vibration circuit can be cut off instantly and quickly to restrain the spark and greatly reduce the damage to the mold, raw materials and products.

5. Assemble an oscillating current regulator to adjust the output power. It is easy to adjust. The required high-frequency current can be set according to the product size and material thickness, and the high frequency welding degree can be controlled to ensure that the product welding quality is uniform and beautiful.

The above explanation is about the classification and characteristics of high frequency plastic welding machines. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about high frequency plastic welding machines, please click our website to browse!


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